Element exists activity

Currently I am working on a process, that will extract the data based on the UI.
I am using find element activity. If it finds the element then , go to then part in If or else part.
But It always says that element is exists. Even I edited the selectors, still not working.


Find Element returns uielement even if uielement exists and it’s invisible. So, for now, can you try to set True at WaitVisible property?


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Can I set it to false?Because it shows error.


Set the WaitForReady property to complete, also the WaitVisible Property to true


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What will It do? Is it work in this case
I need to check If it is visible, then do this. If it is not visible, then do that.


Your need to check if your element exist or your need to find certain element?

if you need to check if some element exist you can use the Check App State Activity


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How can we add another condition?
Because I got three different cases , depends upon the Ui element


You can use an If Activity inside that Check App State as you want, if your condition will be validate in then or else secuence, just add the if activity whitin any of that as you need


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