Generative Predict

The Generative AI model to predict the labels throwing an error after clicking the blue button to do the labeling in the Document Manager.

The error as the following:
"Error from prediction model: {‘gpt_input’: “\n10\nAvobenzone, octinoxate…ect”

how to solve this error ?

Hello @ali.salhab ,
Can you write the whole error and give some more details like what type of document u want to predict.


Hi @oumayma_lajili2 , thanks for the reply, the issue was resolved automatically i don’t know how , so i can’t regenerate the same error again.

but thanks anyway

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Hi ,
somehow the error appeared again, so let’s me give you more details:

I am trying to use “Generative Predict” to label the invoice documents by clicking on Generative Predict button in Document Manager:

then this error appeared as you can see in the picture below:

and it seems that it’s occurred for some documents not all.

Hi @ali.salhab ,

Could you maybe also show us the End part as well ? We see that its huge data so only the first part is shown (Scrollable data).

Sure, this is the last part of the error message.

Just curious on this error. Was this resolved?

Also, what exactly happens if we select “Generative Predict” button, is UiPath sending the data to Chat GPT (Open AI server) or there is a custom GPT model inside UiPath server?

[quote=“Rudrava_Som, post:7, topic:694700, full:true”]
Just curious on this error. Was this resolved?

Also, what exactly happens if we select “Generative Predict” button, is UiPath sending the data to Chat GPT (Open AI server) or there is a custom GPT model inside UiPath server?