Generate Yearly Report -

Hello there
I am trying to complete the Generate Yearly Report activity, but when I am scraping data, I get an error “If: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” on this screen. Is there anyone who can help?

Hi @Osman_Acikgoz

Make the simulate option as True and check the selectors before proceeding.

Hi Behlim
I followed your advice but did not get any results. Also I used dynamic selector here.


Can you check what value you are getting in_TransactionItem? I think in_TransactionItem has NULL value that is why you are getting this error.


Thank you @anandji05
I solved the problem


Ekran Alıntısı

Here I get the error “Add Queue Item: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” Can you help?
(QueueName = in_Config (“OrchestratorQueueName”). ToString)


Please check the queue name on Orchestrator. is the same name there also?


Hi Anand
The queue name on the orchestrator is “InHouse_Process4”

Give the same name as in_Config(“InHouse_Process4”).


Still gives an error
“Add Queue Item: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

please share the config xlsx screen shot

We can also do like this way.
if still issue put the debug and check the queue name is coming In_House4 or not?

I did what you said but I still get the same error

Put the debug on For each and check the row(“Type”) and row(“Status”) value also check the OrchestraterQueueName value debug window. Please share the debug window as well to identify exact issue.

Hello @anandji05Ekran Alıntıs3ı
I just saw your message and I did what it said it says errors but I don’t know how to solve it
add queuq Item fails Enter inside the if structure and did not fail there

can u send me zip code for better understanding?

Generate Yearly (3.2 MB)
The project is here, I expect a return soon