Hi team,
Getting issue in get credential activity ,
Queue name will same in orchestrator and Config,
PFA attached for reference,
can anyone please help me to resolve my issue.
Thank You
Hi team,
Getting issue in get credential activity ,
Queue name will same in orchestrator and Config,
PFA attached for reference,
can anyone please help me to resolve my issue.
Thank You
Hi @njain
Could you please check Orchestrator Folder Path it whether it is in Shared or other folder
Hi @irtetala
It was shared folder with both the place.
can you try delete the activity and reassign it
Yes , Same error come.
@lrtetala I’m doing the same but the error is occur
@njain What are the options are available in Folder Path.
@raja.arslankhan My Workspace and Shared.
@njain did you check My Workspace option?
@raja.arslankhan Yes i checked but same error came.
@njain send me workflow.
Generate_Yearly_Report_2023_Dispatcher.zip (979.5 KB)
@njain Its working for me. Please try to disconnect UiPath studio from orchestrator and connect again
Okay I will try
Problem Solved. No more transaction
Your dynamic selector was not correct one and in page element exist it was giving false every time.
That’s why it was saying process ended due to no more transaction.
I made dynamic selector with different way which is more reliable than your one.
Latest Code. Check and update it as a solution. Thanks
Generate-Yearly-Report-Dispatcher-master (2).zip (999.8 KB)
It’s working now,
Thanks for the help
@njain Yes It shoulbe be work. Happy automation
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