From double to string on excel file

Hi guys, im having trouble on writing on my excel file. the variable is double but when I need to write it on my excel file It requires me to put “.toString” which is the currency or format is changing when it wrote on cells. Im using write cell activity.

hi @Tmo, can you share some screenshot of the error you’re facing. Thanks.

Hi @Tmo,
Are you adding your content into a datatable first and then writing the range to your Excel? in this case you can change the Field Type in the Build Datatable Activity from String to Double, in which case the Double will be selected.

If you are using Write Cell to write into a particular cell, then this takes in only String values which could mess with your formatting.

I would recommend using Write Cell from Modern Design Experience, which takes in input as Object type and not String type

or using Write Range because this takes in input as a Datatable and not String type

Let me know if this helps
