Conversion from String to Double Write Range


I created an workflow that downloads a csv file and update an Excel sheet in another workbook.
I want to do it on the background, so I’m not using Excel Applicaiton Scope.
The problem that i’m facing is that when the sheet is updated, the values are stored as text on the Excel and not as a number.

I tried to use formulas, hardcode the double number, but it all came to the same result.
Is it possible to do it without using the excel application scope?

@odair - pls try to change the double format from , to . and try.
use the correct conversation for double… try below
Cultureinfo = new CultureInfo(“fr”)
convert.todouble(var, culture)

Thanks @GBK, but my problem is different. The issue is that I cannot put the double value on the “Write Cell” activity, it allows just strings