Free trial license key not found

Hi All,

I have installed Uipath Studio 2021.4.4.
Have subscribed the 60-day free trial license.
However I have not received the key in any email. Can anyone help.
The Uipath Studio opens with Add License key.


Welcome to our UiPath community.

May I know from where you download UiPath studio file and where subscribed for trial license ?

Hi Lakshman,

Thanks for the response.

Well I am new to Uipath, My organization has already purchased the Uipath app, hence have downloaded it from our portal.

I had subscribed the Uipath Enterprise 60-day free trial from Uipath Cloud.


Navigate to your Tenant in the Orchestrator and configure your machine there and then connect your Robot machine to Orchestrator to acquire the license key from it.

Hello Lakshman,

Thank you. I have received the license key.

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@indhu_karthik Can you please help with the steps? I don’t see the license key anywhere