Flow Decision - Condition: the Date of Today's Date


I am trying to create a sequence that allows to decide and execute 2 different activities according to the date. (I assume that i need to use the Flow Decision?)

True = If today is the first 3 weeks of the month, get the data from the webpage of the current month.
False = If today is the last week of the month, get the data from the webpage of the next month.

What “condition” do I need in the Flow Decision?

Do I understand you correct,

12/27/2020 should return true
12/28/2020 should return false

01/24/2021 return true
01/27/2021 return false ?

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Yes! Thank you for your instant reply.

This is how I want my flowchart to be

Main.xaml (9.0 KB)

As per My understanding of the question, I have made this quick sequence that may help.
Hope this helps.

Variables datatypes-

  1. WeekNumber - Int32
  2. ci - CultureInfo
  3. dtInputDate - DateTime, Default Value set to DateTime.Now (Today’s Date)

Thank you so much!!

What does “Unregistered Expression Editor” mean?

This is may be i am using the UiPath studio in c# instead of VB. Just change the expression editor to VB.


Thank you!
Would you mind teaching me how to change it :cold_face:?

Could you please explain your date with example

Please explain it with some more examples

Main.xaml (7.2 KB)

Above is the file in VB. Hope this will work for you

Its showing error expression activity type 'csharpvalue 1 required compilation in order to run

It seems like it’s working on my UiPath too, thank you so much!

I could extract the table data and save it in excel file.

In the next step, I would like to add the 2 more columns in red colour from the same website.

Click each the company name, and get the 2 types of information below:

(The first LeadUnderwriter)

(extract the first 5 sentences)

Could anyone give some advice what activities to use?

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