January 21, 2019, 12:29pm
Hello friends.
@rkelchuri , @Rammohan91 , @balupad14 , @ClaytonM , @vvaidya , @Florent_Salendres , @MAHESH1 ,
I’ve created a workflow that cycle over the children:
1.Use Find Children Activity
2. Give the filter which is same for all the rows.
3. Next loop all the selectors and get the text.
I need, in the loop of the selectors, extract only the one with one particular ‘idx’.
The selectors are of this kind:
html title=‘Mastercom’ />
<webctrl aaname=’ ’ css-selector=‘body>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>table>tbody>tr>td>div>div’ idx=‘3’ isleaf=‘1’ parentid=‘ext-gen573’ tag=‘DIV’ /
I’ve tried in this way but doesn’t work
ChildrenFound.Where(Function(s) s.Get(“idx”).Equals(“‘4’”))
Can you please help me?
Thank you,
I believe ‘idx’ isn’t a valid attribute for UiElement as it is a pointer in case a specific selector would return more than one element.
Assuming that your initial find childrens would give you results, you would do something like.
ChildrenFound(0) or ChildrenFound.ElementAt(0). in your case, I believe it would be index(3)
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January 21, 2019, 12:44pm
Thank you @Florent_Salendres .
How to filter on that specific element in the loop?
Can you please provide me a screenshot?
Thank you so much,
January 21, 2019, 12:48pm
Intval → is an integer value get increment in a loop.
How to loop?
Take a do while loop.
Initiate loop with assign activity
IntVal = 0
Initiate Boolean value with assign activity.
Start = True
Initiate Boolean value with assign activity
End = False
Inside the loop make increment with assign activity
intVal = IntVal+1
Put a if conditions inside the loop
Once that if conditions get satisfied then inside keep an assign variable
Start = End
Note: put Start <> End as a do while loop condition.
Hope my inputs are useful.
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You would not necessarally need a loop to target the element with idx 4.
You just need to create an UiElement variable and assign it to : ChildrenFound(0).
If you really would like to use loop for any reason, condition willl look like something:
For each elem in ChildrenFound
If ChildrenFound.ToList.IndexOf(Elem) = 3 Then
End if
Hope this makes sense.
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Thank you so much @Florent_Salendres .
In using the assign activity with ChildrenFound(4) and I’ll let you know if it works.
Thank you so much
January 24, 2019, 6:13pm
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