Find all rows

Hello friends, @rkelchuri, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @loginerror, @MAHESH1, @Dominic
I need to fin d all the rows contained in a table.
The selector of a row is:

  1. How can I loop through all the rows? Changing the indexes?
  2. The parentid sometimes changes, due to changes in the webpage.
    How can I make it flexible to webpage changes?
    Thank you,
    Camilla :slight_smile:


1.Use Find Children Activity
2. Give the filter which is same for all the rows.
3. Next loop all the selectors and get the text.



Thank you so much @MAHESH1.
Can you please provide me an example of workflow in UiPath that does this actions?
For example in my case I have the following children selectors:

html title=‘Mastercom’ /><webctrl isleaf=‘1’ parentid=‘ext-gen422’ tag=‘DIV’ class=‘x-grid3-row-checker’ idx=‘“+indice+”’

The problem is that the parentid is always changing in the webpage.
can you kindly help me?
Thank you so much,
camilla :slight_smile:

Can you please provide selectors of 3 rows . so that we can check the common tag.

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Unfortunately now I’m not at the client and I cannot access the webpage, since I’m not conected to the client’s network.
Can you please provide me an example of workflow that performs the actions:
1.Use Find Children Activity
2. Give the filter which is same for all the rows.
3. Next loop all the selectors and get the text.
A soon as I’l get back to the client I’ll share different selectors.
Thank you so much for your precious help,
Cami :slight_smile:

Hello @MAHESH1
I provide you 3 example of rows:
1)html title=‘Mastercom’ /><webctrl aaname=’ ’ isleaf=‘1’ parentid=‘ext-gen573’ tag=‘DIV’ class=‘x-grid3-row-checker’ parentclass=‘x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-checker x-unselectable’ tableCol=‘1’ tableRow=‘1’ idx=‘1’ /

2)html title=‘Mastercom’ />
<webctrl tableCol=‘1’ tag=‘TD’ class='x-grid3-col x-grid3-cell x-grid3-td-checker x-grid3-cell-first ’ parentclass=‘x-grid3-row-table’ parentid=‘ext-gen573’ /


2)html title=‘Mastercom’ />
<webctrl aaname=’ ’ css-selector=‘body>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>table>tbody>tr>td>div>div’ isleaf=‘1’ parentid=‘ext-gen573’ tag=‘DIV’ class=‘x-grid3-row-checker’ parentclass=‘x-grid3-cell-inner x-grid3-col-checker x-unselectable’ idx=‘2’ /

3)html title=‘Mastercom’ />
<webctrl aaname=’ ’ css-selector=‘body>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>table>tbody>tr>td>div>div’ idx=‘3’ isleaf=‘1’ parentid=‘ext-gen573’ tag=‘DIV’ /

Can you please help me?
The Parentid Always changes every 3/4 days :frowning:
It’s very urgent.
Idon’t know how to solve that.
Cami :slight_smile: