Find Files & Folders Properties

Hi Guys

I want to upload local file to Sharepoint. I am using o365 scope>Find Files & Folders>Upload file activity to do the same. See below

The URL is correct. What should i enter in Drive Name and Subfolder, Destination Folder 7 action if my sharepoint looks like this

I am not getting the expected output. Where I am I going wrong Please help

What does your current configuration return?

I would suggest to change the subfolder property as “Documents/Playground” and giving it a go.

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I tried that. But what to give in destination In Upload file activity. I am unable to figure out destination

If i give results(0), it saves the file to Folder P137. I want to save the file on the same path


try to use for each activity for your Find Files and Folders activity
inside for each activity use if condition like currentitem.contains(foldername)
inside then use Upload file activity

Hie @Chetan_Wagh this link help you . on uploading file on sharepoint


  • Query: The file or folder you wish to search for.
  • SubFolder: The specific path to the target location.
  • Output:
    • First: Returns a single drive item.
    • Results: Returns an array of drive items.
  • Drive Name: Typically, in most SharePoint sites, it is “Documents.” However, it’s best to verify your SharePoint instance.
  • Site URL: Copy the SharePoint URL into a notepad, then select up to “shared.” The word following this will be your Drive Name.

For UiPath-related documentation, please refer to…Activities - Classic activities

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