Find element in web and click on the hyperlink of the same

I’m trying to find CRITICAL cases in the below screenshot and if there is any critical case then the bot has to click on the hyperlink of that particular CRITICAL case. I have tried with text exists activity to see if there is any word “CRITICAL” in the page and if yes then click on the same. but it looks like the text is not found every time. Can anyone help me on this.

link :

Also, how to make the selector dynamic for each case.


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Try using Anchor Base activity with Find Element and Click as sub-activities inside Anchor Base.

Using regular expressions inside selectors.

I’m also facing the almost same issue. I want to be able to click a hyperlink which is not stable on the web page. It may seem on the left today & maybe on the right tomorrow. Can someone share a sample .xaml file that can help me to select the text then click it irrespective of its position?