Find Children not working in an application


How can it be that Find Children finds no children in a table from an application?

Is there any alternative for Find Children?

One more issue: when selecting the table with UI Explorer the application gets suddenly closed unfortunately.


Sounds like the application isn’t written well. This can cause all sorts of issues with automation, including an inability to detect elements.

You could try For Each UI Element - it’s the modern replacement of Find Children.

Thanks but For Each UI Element works only for web applications.


As I see its not a web application…then try using active accessibility from ui explorer framework selection and check…

Also if its a java application ir silverlight base try enabling those extensions…


Hi @Gabriel_Isman Sounds like you’re extracting table. Did you try with

  • Screen Scraping (The o/p can be converted to an data table)
  • CV Activities

Hi Ushu

Screen Scraping doesn’t work. What do you mean by o/p ?

CV activities work but they don’t really help because I also need to select a line from the table containing a specific text. As far as I understand the CV selector contains only coordinates. Is it true?


Since CV activities works, how about trying below steps

  • First, scrape the table using CV Extract Table, output is data table
  • Loop though each row of data table, take if condition check if that row has expected text
  • If yes, then select that line with click activity or some other activity having dynamic selector. Below doc explains dynamic selector concept

If I set “active accessibility” I also get “UiElement is no longer valid” and the application gets closed.

I will try the silverlight option.


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I can not select any line. It can only select the whole table.

YES, solved with CV Click and dynamic selector :slight_smile:


Great @Gabriel_Isman Can you mark appropriate post as solution so that it would help others looking for similar fix

Yes, of course. I will do it but before I want to further test it.

Simply said, CV Click activity gives such descriptors:

“Target: Text ‘myText’ (10,10,10,10)”

“Target: Text ‘12345’ (10,10,10,10)”

My discovery: coordinates don’t really matter!
If “myText” or 12345 exist somewhere in CV Screen Scope, then they will be found!
So just write random coordinates like (10,10,10,10).

Is it really so simple? That’s why I do further tests.

For instance what happens if “myText” or 12345 appear more than once in CV Screen Scope?

Btw. this is a dynamic descriptor for CV Click:

“Target: Text ’ " +myVariable + " ’ (10,10,10,10)”

Actually the silverlight extension is used only for web applications. Is it true?

I have a desktop application.


True that. It might not help…do you know what is the application developed on… JAVA can be one alternative…

Can you open the ui explorer and see the visual tree menu on the left top…if the individual cells are displayed as elements and if you are able to get the selectors from there?

If yes then we can go with using them…sometimes when you identify we might not get the elements, but from the visual tree we can get them and use


CV Activities works based on the Anchors. In other words, it identifies the actual UI element based on the relative UI element.

Ex: There is a field in a pdf, Invoice Number: 12345

While you are using CV, the anchor would be Invoice Number, actual UI element is 12345. During the run time it first looks for the anchor through which it finds the exact one

The coordinates/clipping region define the values in pixels relative to the UI element/Anchor. That is why, wherever the field is within the app it can able to find

If there are multiple values in the CV scope, as it identifies based on the Anchor/relative Ui element(if these were unique) I guess it will not create any issues

What about this case with a column “Invoice Number” and 12345 being listed 2 times?

Invoice Number

It certainly can not make the difference between the first 12345 and the second 12345.

I believe, in that case it find the closest match and gives that one as output. It helps to provide better solution if you can share the sample file with this scenario

Soon I will show hier the complete solution.

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