Hi, I am trying to filter the data from the excel sheet. I have one excel sheet, from that I have to separate the employee details based on their intime (For eg: 10:00:00) and out time (For eg: 09:00:00).
Can anyone help me to filter those data
If you have some specific columns with the in time and out time, you can read the data and store in excel. then use filter data table activity to get the required data @suma123
can u please sugguest the condition, how to filter the data from column before 10:00:00 and after 10:00:00
Filter data table activity should be like ( before 10)
Can you retrieve the value of one cell in excel just to know which format of value you have in the excel @suma123?
Are you passing the values as column4 and column6 in the generate data table activity? @suma123
Please try passing the column names
if i pass the Column names,im getting that error
check if there are any spaces in the names of the column. better to copy the name from excel and paste it in the activity
kindly check once with the property of READ RANGE activity and check with the property ADD HEADERS is enabled
–also make sure that there is no space in the columnname or better we can mention like this
Data.Columns(columnindex).ColumnName.ToString in the column field of filter datatable wizard which will enter the column name without any error
kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @suma123
where should i give Data.Columns(columnindex).ColumnName.ToString.And in the Filter data table wizard the operations <,> is not giving result.
If i take Column number then only, it will showing result in Excel.
It will not taking direct column name
Fine kindly try once with the column index itself
I hope there must be two lines in the excel column headers that why it’s not taking
Cheers @suma123
Is there any package to install to work with logic operators(<,>) and column names