Hello friends,
when I’m executing a uipath script i’m filling an excel file with 2 amount (strings):str1=“-65233,34”; str2 = “-65343,5”
and there is a column which is the sum of the two values.
but this sum shows #values
any suggestions ?
Hello friends,
when I’m executing a uipath script i’m filling an excel file with 2 amount (strings):str1=“-65233,34”; str2 = “-65343,5”
and there is a column which is the sum of the two values.
but this sum shows #values
any suggestions ?
Hi @abdel ,
I think you are filling with string values. Covert the string to integer
Is it “,” between numbers? -65233,34
To conver to integer your have to use like
yes it’s “,”
I’m not sure how you sum this
What is the sum you are expecting.
Sample please
sorry it s the difference
how to fill integer into excel ?
When you are writing into excel cover the value to inetger
val = “-65233,34”
IntVal = CInt(val)