Hello. I am trying to learn UiPath to create a bot to migrate our docs from a legacy system to a new system.
I have a big data table in Excel where each line is a doc, including their versions and revisions.
Both doc systems are web-browser based.
I created a new sheet (RPA) with a single line, where in a cell you change the number, and through an Excel Index function, I get all the info of that specific line into the new sheet.
Workflow of UiPath would be like this:
Create variable “counter” as integer and assign “0” to it.
Start Excel App Scope
At RPA sheet, B2, Writecell with variable “counter”
Read Cells D2, E2… Q2 to several different variables (which I will use later to type each variable in the webbrowser fields of the new system.
Ok, first of all…
-At RPA sheet, B2, Writecell with variable “counter”
That does not work, because variable counter is integer and Writecell only accepts strings.
So I tried, BEFORE opening Excel App Scope, to Assign Counter (integer) to CounterPaste (string). So at RPA sheet, B2, I would Writecell with variable “CoutnerPaste” (string)
But that ALSO did not work.
As I tried to assign an integer variable to a string variable, I get an error message "Cannot Assign from type System.Int32 to type System.String in Assign activity ‘Assign’.
It’s really confusing to me why you can´t write an integer variable into Excel… but ok, I may go around that restriction… however, please help me copying the content of an integer variable to a string one!