I am trying to create a RPA where it clicks on the field and once it opens in order to identify the element, I am using Ctrl F to highlight and using click text activity to select. This is working fine if the option I want is there on the first page, what if the option I want to select is in the 2nd or next pages? I tried with If activity but I am unable to find the proper expression to enter in condition part
Note: The option I want to select is a variable taken from a CRM and I am also attaching the field option below
Hi @yeshwanth
Use the selectors for this You stored in a variable right pass the variable in the proper attribute strict selectors of click activity.
Hope it helps!!
Try this:
> 1. Do While (or While) loop:
> a. Send Hotkey: Ctrl + F
> b. Type Into: Enter the option to search for (variable taken from CRM)
> c. Click Text: Click on the matching option if found
> d. Element Exists: Check if the option is found on the current page
> ---> If Found: Exit the loop (desired option is selected)
> ---> If Not Found:
> --> Click: Click on the "Next"(>) button to navigate to the next page
> 2. Continue with the rest of the automation.
Hey @yeshwanth
Pass that variable in selector such that it will be dynamic
Or you can use anchor base activity
It will work
Hope it helps you
Hey @yeshwanth
You can try using the ‘For each UI Element’ activity. It also has the option to extract data from multiple pages. So in the ‘For each UI element’ activity you can compare the variable taken from CRM with the aaname of the UI element and select it
Should I have to install any packages for Pagecounter?
No, Its a integer variable to iterate through the pages. In your case, you dont need a page counter, just delete that.
This is not at all how you should do this. You need to create a dynamic selector and use the Click or Check activity.
what can be an expression in DO while activity ? can you give a sample expression?
Just pass True for testing purpose(If the process works then we can change the condition)
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