Hi everyone.
I’m having this error when trying to invoke SetTransactionStatus workflow in a REF:
“message”: “SetTransactionStatus.xaml failed: The values provided for the root activity’s arguments did not satisfy the root activity’s requirements:\r\n’SetTransactionStatus’: The following keys from the input dictionary do not map to arguments and must be removed: io_CounterNewPending. Please note that argument names are case sensitive. (Parameter ‘rootArgumentValues’) at Source: System.Activities”
I have the io_CounterNewPending as an in/out argument with type Int32. When running the process it doesnt accees to the workflow because that error. I already try modifying the name of the argument and the variable of input and output of the argument (it is also an Int32 variable).
The business problem is that I need a counter for the business exceptions.
Please help! THANKS TEAM!