Fakenamegenerator gettext emailaddress

HI Team,
I cannot use the gettext activity to extract the email address from the fakenamegenerator.com.
Any please help me in this scenario. It will be grateful if anyone provide the screenshot for it.


Hi @N_SK ,

Could you maybe check with the below Selector :

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator' />
<webctrl aaname='Email Address' tag='DT' />
<nav up='1' />
<webctrl tag='DD' parentid='details' />

After indicating the element as the email value, we can use Indicate Anchor and indicate the Email Address lable as the Anchor element.

Hi @N_SK

By adding anchor as Email address to your element you can get the output as expected.



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Hey @N_SK

To find out multiple emails use the Get Attribute activity and set continue on error to true. The variable you used to store the Get Attribute value use it where ever you want to use it will contain the email text.

Another way is to use the get text activity and use a strict selector in it instead of a fuzzy selector this way you will get the text of the email.

Thank you.

Hi @N_SK ,

Keeping email address label as an anchor you will be able to retrive the email address using get text activity.