Hello ,
This is a two parts question
Recently I created a library that I had to import the an specific Namespace as per the screenshot below. And it works as expected when I test.
My issue starts when I try to import the library for other projects and used it.
I am receiving the error below. As the first log is generated inside the library, I know exactly where the code is breaking and it seems is missing importing the names space System.Security.Criptograhy.Pkcs (which is required to run)
As per my understanding, when importing the library all the used namespaces should come with it and no manual namespace importing should be required. Is my statement correct?
I had a similar issue in the past but I solved importing the required namespace manually on the process using the lib. However, in that particular case, my process cannot import this namespace (it does not show anything).
I also try to create an assembly direct on XAML file but also failed to import. Any idea why I cannot import this specific namespace (System.Security.Criptograhy.Pkcs )?
Thank you very much!!