Hi, After creating repository in Github while i’m trying to commit my code to Github from studio it showing error like “unable to push to configured remote”. After some time when I try open github its not even opening.
Check in the Manage Remotes what was set. Maybe the credentials needs to be changed.
More details here: Managing Projects with GIT
Hi @Arvind_Kumar1 yes I logged in studio its not even asking credential while i’m pushing my code using repository http url
Hi @marian.platonov Thanks for the documentation, Sure I will read the documentation which you provided and I will try to integrate again
Anyone found solution for this? I’m getting this error very frequently…
The instructions for setting up Git with Proxy are in the docs here (last item on the page):
Please try to set the proxy up, give it another go at pushing to Git, and let me know of the outcome.
In case the issue persists, please share the new logs/screenshots.
Also, please try to push the files to the repo using the git console and manual commands from the machine, and let me know if that works as expected.