Extraction of Global Indicators such as Exchange or Interes Rates, Financial or Economic Indicators

Extraction of Global Indicators such as Exchange or Interes Rates, Financial or Economic Indicators

Use Case Description

Companies financial operations usually use multiple global indicators for different purposes, being exchange rates among the most common ones. Depending on the company, this indicators are stored in different places, like custom made software, excel, SAP, etc. All this information needs to be maintained and updated regularly (frequency depends on the indicator).

A simple task would be to access one website that contains an indicator that the company uses, extract it and store it in an Excel file that contains a table with all the extracted values. Excel file should have at least the following columns: Date and Value. Can be extended to download more than one indicator and store in a different sheet of the Excel file.

Example: Every day access Federal Reserve website (The Fed - Foreign Exchange Rates - H.10 - October 03, 2022) and extract latest EURO exchange rate.



Other information about the use case

Industry categories for this use case: Finance

Skill level required: Beginners

UiPath Products that were used: UiPath Studio, UiPath Data Services

Other applications that were used: EXCEL

Other resources: -

What is the top ROI driver for this use case?: Accelerate growth and operational efficiency