Extracting Description(Table) from Invoice which is in pdf format and writing it to Excel

Hello all,

Can anybody look into my PDF EXTRACTION file and let me know the error. I am trying to extract invoice details(Invoice no., Vendor name, date, Description, etc.,) from pdf and writing it to excel. But while reading description to excel I am encountering an unusual error which says there is no row in position 1.

I have attached my xaml file for reference along with sample pdf
Pdf.xaml (60.5 KB)

Invoice_100622095935 1.pdf (61.7 KB)

Hi Harshita, Im trying to look into it but can’t see the activities



Can you let me know the packages you have?


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Hi @Harshita_Ramesh ,

Could you let us know for which Activity does the error happen ?

We would need your whole Project file if we need to perform a Debug operation on your files.

If the error is happening at the point as shown in the below image, then it would mean that there is no rows present in Datatable dtOutput.

Let us know where the Error happens and in which activity.

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This is the place I m getting an error… Assign you are pointing is a column which I will be adding manually to add folder path of the particular invoice
Report 09-30-2022 15-17-43.xlsx (8.4 KB)
The read excel while basically looks something like this where Items column is extracted as “TABLE”

One more thing I could notice is it is not writing to excel from first row meaning the first row is left empty don’t know why

Hi any luck ?

Hi @Harshita_Ramesh ,

Can you add assign before for each(where you are adding items) to assign counter = 0 and change counter’s scope to 1st Body sequence(where you are looping on pdfs)?

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I guess so will try that and see…

@Aakash_Singh_Rawat That was it… Thank you so much :):):slight_smile: Had been struggling with this for weeks


It’s no bother @Harshita_Ramesh,
Glad to found that I was helpful.

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One more Question if you see my excel file the first row is left empty I dont know why that is happening

@Aakash_Singh_Rawat Can you please look at my other issue mentioned

hey Harshitha, is the first row only extracting the “class” column?

@sharon.palawandram I had given a condition which tells if the vendor addr has “Houston” name then Class will be Houston office or Baton Rouge Office. Since the first row is empty it is showing up like that… I dont understand why we have blank row there

@sharon.palawandram Am I missing out on something that the data reads to excel leaving first row blank

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