Extracting address from Google Maps


I want to extract the address of many hotels through google maps however i am not able to extract it i tried a lot to make a dynamic selector can anyone help me please?

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hey @aamir_saif please share the xaml that you have created. If you are unable to add here then please send me the file in a personal message.

Main.xaml (8.7 KB)
OpeningBrowser.xaml (23.5 KB)
project.json (666 Bytes)

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Dear Nadim,

Please take a look into my workflow i have shared it. Please let me know how can i fix this there is some issues with anchor activity but i am not sure how to fix this tried many other ways to create a dynamic selector but unable to do it. Please help me with this

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Im looking into it. Can you also share a sample of the excel sheet?

Londree.com Research.xlsx (29.2 KB)

I have shared the sample values of the data keep take a look into it

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Dear Nadim,

Any update on the same.

Hi @aamir,

Please use GetAttribute activity to get ‘aaname’ inside Anchor activity(next to find image) with below selector.

"<webctrl isleaf='1' parentid='pane' tag='SPAN' class='widget-pane-link' parentclass='section-info-text' />" 

I was able to extract the address in the message box.

Sasikumar K

Dear Sasikumar,

Could you please send me the workflow because i tried everything and i am not sure what this aaname means but i check out that under getattributes there is an option called aaname i selected that and then through screen i selected that map icon and then tried to print that aaname value and i got nothing.
Please explain or share workflow so that i can understand better thank you so much for your help really helpful and appreciated.

Hi @aamir

I just changed as per the below image.
