i want to get URL from this text, but that text is dynamic…
i am using “href” attribute
but its not extracting the URL …
this is my selector … what should i change in this?

i want to get URL from this text, but that text is dynamic…
i am using “href” attribute
but its not extracting the URL …
in general we do use a get attribute activity and can retrieve the url from the attribute with the name “href”.
We suggest to make the selector reliable and much solid that it is not dependend to aaname value
i dont get it what you are trying to say,
I am having this exact same href extraction issue - did you ever end up solving this problem?
The closest I can get is including the href in the selector - but it still doesn’t take the href value out.
Ok! I solved my problem in a very unconventional way
I made use of right clicking the link, clicking the “copy link address” menu option - and then extracting that address to the current row straight from the clipboard.
It is slow - but until I can get Table extraction working again, it, at the very least, does its job.