Extract Table from Annex B of a PDF document attached

Hi All
Im stuck at extracting text from PDF, i need to extract table from Annex B, sometime this text can be ANNEX B or Annex B.

I tried element exists, retry scope, ocr google. However it fails.
attached the sample PDF.

Looking for the table at Annex B page as below:

any suggestions please.sample_3.pdf (32.8 KB)

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Use Read pdf text and the output of that paste in the regex builder and use the below regex.

Use this regex : (?<=ANNEX B |Annex B)\s+(\w{3}\s\w{4}\s\w{3}\s\w{4}\s\w{3}\s\w{4}\s\w{3}\s\w{4}\s\w{3}\s\w{4}\r\n){1,}

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Hello @ANSHUL kindly confirm if you have Adobe Acrobat installed in your machine…
cause I do have a solution that will work for you…

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yes i do have it installed, appreciate any help.

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kindly test the attached excel file containing macro to convert your pdf file to excel file…Split-Merge_pdf.zip (25.3 KB)

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thanks but do i have to park my pdf inside split-Merge_pdf folder ?
getting this when i copy the file in that folder and run.


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yes @ANSHUL please create input folder as in excel file…
then keep the pdf file in input folder and then run the macro

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now getting this:

my folder structure

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let me check from my side
Update: working fine for me with pdf file that you have attached…

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So far i’ve found these steps helpful:

send start process open pdf
send hot key ctrl+0
send hot key ctrl + home
send hot key ctrl+f
type activity- Annex B[k(enter)]
click the search box
send hot key end
send hot key enter

This gives me the page to extract the table( last occurrence of Annex B)

now im trying to extract the table for that page using some relation.
if you have any fast way of next steps please share your thoughts.


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:frowning: sadly I do not have any other option which can extract your table with 100% accuracy from PDF…
If you or anyone from your team have VBA knowledge then I would recommend tweaking the given excel macro file to make it work…

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ok u share whatever VBA you have fixed.
im working on dynamic selector to scrap the table.

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i didn’t fixed anything in that excel file… it is writing as it is for me

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