Export Excel Data to Text file


I want to convert Excel data to Text file…

I’m getting below error, please help me to solve this…

When I’m adding delimiter as “,” it is replacing all the commas in the file, including the comma present in the cell data.

E.x.: Add|Pizza|“Pizza| Company”|Richard E. Allison Jr.|xyz|US|Domino’s

Expected Output: Add|Pizza|Pizza, Company|Richard E. Allison Jr.|xyz|US|Domino’s

Thanks in advance…

batch.txt (118 Bytes) excelToText.xlsx (10.0 KB) Main.xaml (10.8 KB)

@Abhishek_Changan Here you have
Sequence23.xaml (4.8 KB) Untitled.txt (192 Bytes)


Hi @Arpit_Kesharwani,

Thanks it worked…

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