Please help to convert Text file into Excel file.
please help me .
TextTOExcel.txt (301 Bytes)
TextToExcel.xlsx (8.5 KB)
Please help to convert Text file into Excel file.
please help me .
TextTOExcel.txt (301 Bytes)
TextToExcel.xlsx (8.5 KB)
hope the below steps would help you resolve this
Use a READ TEXT FILE activity where pass the filepath of text as input and get the output as string named Strinput
Then use a GENERATE DATATABLE activity and pass Strinput as input variable and get the output as dt DATATABLE
Now use a WRITE RANGE activity and pass dt as input and enable add headers property and mention the filepath where you want to write
Mention the column separator as “ “
A space that’s it
Cheers @Priyanka_Jadhav1
Can you try as the following?
strdata = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strdata," +"," ")
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