Expiry date of licenses connected to Orchestrator

Hello frends,

@Palaniyappan, @ovi, @loginerror,

can you please tell me how is it possible to get the expiry date of the Attended Robot Licenses and the Studio license which have been connectedt to Orchestrator?
I tried the regutil but it says:
Error #20: Cannot read license expire date: -6003, error description: Lookup of tag failed

Maintenance expire date: not set

Subscription expire date: not set

User defined field “Attended”: not defined

User defined field “Unattended”: not defined

User defined field “Free”: not defined

User defined field “Dev”: not defined

User defined field “AttendedConcurrent”: not defined

User defined field “DevConcurrent”: not defined

Thank you,

Hi @CamiCat

Check below post for your reference

Mark as solution if this helps


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Thank you so much @Srini84.
can you please indicate me the offline line command to get the expiration date?
Thank you
Cami :slight_smile:


You can try with command lines as below link

I hope this will helps


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I hope this helps

Mark as solution if it works
