HI ,
How to open an excel sheet and check the filter is applied to all column.
If it’s applied then need to remove the filter .
What activities do I need to use??
Please explain with a sample example??
HI ,
How to open an excel sheet and check the filter is applied to all column.
If it’s applied then need to remove the filter .
What activities do I need to use??
Please explain with a sample example??
@vikumars1, i think its getting repeated with topic buddy, no worries, here you go
Buddy in once you open excel application scope activity with the path of the file mentioned and while trying to read the excel with read range activity , we got an option in the property to take whether the filter into consideration or not…if its enabled while reading excel, that filter will be taken into consideration or if its disabled it wont take the filter into consideration buddy…with that we can use a excel with or without filter to get the data from it buddy like this
Acivities involved
Thats all buddy you are all done. @vikumars1
removefilter.zip (11.5 KB)