Excel to SAP using For Each Row

Hi All,

Good Morning!

I have scraped some information in Excel. Using Read range activity, i had read the excel and store it as DT. Using for each row activity i want to print the (“part”) field in SAP Material field but my workflow is keying the values in first row unit the loop. Kindly advise how can i fix it.

Hi @BaskaranVenkatesan

Other than id of the selector are you able to get the text or aaname of selector

Ashwin S

Hi Ashwin,

Apart from the id i have only aastate in the selector. Also EMATN[4,0], here row number 0 is changing like 1,2,3.


Hi @BaskaranVenkatesan

Then based on the EMATN try to increement the counter

Ashwin S

Please advise how can i increase it.

hi @BaskaranVenkatesan

Initialize the counter as 0 and use assign activity as counter=Counter+1 in the end of the loop

Ashwin S

Hi Ashwin, using assign activity i had initialize the counter and passed it EMATN[4,{counter}]. Now it’s working fine thanks for your support. Have a Great Day!:slight_smile:

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Hi Ashwin,

Similarly i want update 3-4 columns in SAP row wise. This time i need to create multiple for each or we can do that within the single for each, which was cleared earlier.

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