Excel process used by another process

Excel is throwing the error “Cannot open the file…because it is being used by another process”…
But actually no one is using the excel file.
It is happening due to some windows issue.
Did anyone face this issue before ?

Hi @Ritaman_Baral

Use the kill process activity or else end the excel activity in the task manager and it will sort the issue.


Hi @Ritaman_Baral

It may be reason that excel has been opened in background. Go to Task Manager and close Microsoft Excel and re-run the workflow.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Ritaman_Baral

Go to task manager and close the excel file

how to achieve this task using UiPath

Hi @Ritaman_Baral

You can use Kill Process at starting of your workflow to kill the excel.

Hope it helps!!

I ahve used this already but still the issue is persisiting

After using the Kill Process activity could you verify if all the excel process are closed in Task Manager?


Use the Task Manager to kill the excel
Try to shutdown and open the System
Try workbook Activities instead of Excel process Scope or Excel application scope
Make a copy of your excel and try it to use in another path


After Kill process check whether your excel is being closed in the Task Manager.
