Excel Application Scope: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

Hi All

I am downloading a bunch of files from a site. Using for loop opening each file one by one. But in one file I am getting this error.

While opening manually itself it shows a pop up and I have to click Yes then it opens. So everything is happening in one process. So in the automation its not able to open through Excel Application Scope I guess.

So how to handle this case ?

@kkpatel ,

While opening it manually in excel what message box you are getting?

Does the workbook have any formulas in it?

No formulas. Its directly downloaded from the site.


Looks it may have formula in it or reference to a corrupted excel file. Check that.

Check any hidden sheets are there in the excel.

But even if it has anything how can i control it ? Its directly downloaded from a site and going to Excel Application Scope in the same process where its throwing error.

So where can i do whatever needs to be done ?

@kkpatel ,

First try to identify what is the issue with the excel, if it is due to formula you can remove it using some VBA before you read it using Excel Application Scope.

If this issue due to the reference to a corrupted excel then you can ask the team who shares the excel in the site.

Hi All

Can anyone give a solution ? I didn’t find anything as suggested by @sarathi125 .

I received this error when I tried to delete rows in an Excel sheet with:
At Position being “2,3,4,5” which UiPath says is ok.

Once I changed to “2-5” then it worked without this error.