Excel Application Scope Error With Orchestrator


I have a weird error occurring with my excel application scope activity. When I write to a excel file and I myself am running the process the correct text is written to the excel file. When I run the process through orchestrator nothing happens to the excel file. Almost as if the activity is not even being run. Does anyone know how I could fix this?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @Sahil_J_Patel,

Is any error being thrown?

Can you look at logs in orchestrator and see what it says?


No error is being thrown.

Hi @Sahil_J_Patel,

Can you look at the orchestrator logs and share that screenshot as well?

Is your process completing all steps per your logs?

Are you using re-framework?


The logs say that it is running the activity but nothing is actually happening. And yes I am using the re-framework.

HI @Sahil_J_Patel ,

Its really hard to identify the issue unless you share proper screenshot of logs.


Hi @Sahil_J_Patel !
What about you try to add several writelines in strategic places to understand if the bot gets in the specific sequence then publish it in Orchestrator to understand when and where the bot is not working, and also if you’re using the framework you won’t necessary see the errors depending on what you did change in it, as they are kept in Try Catch.

Otherwise, are you sure you’re looking into the right excel file ? If you used Path.GetFullPath(), be sure to find the right excel file in a path like "C:\Users\kaora\.nuget\packages\name_of_my_process"