Thanks for reaching out. I hope I can point you in the right direction.
I don’t think I have the solution but, there are some items you need to check that probably will give you a workaround, at least.
First, the MS Excel that I am using on my computer is part of the Office 365 package. As per my research, Office 365 doesn’t entirely install Excel on your computer. I guess it installs some modules, and your computer interacts with components that are online on the Microsoft Cloud. I am not a Microsoft Engineer; they can explain to you better the installation and architecture of components in your machine. I guess that is missing some DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) that are needed for UIPath to work with Office 365. Please, check if your Excel is part of an Office 365 package. A direct way to know if your Excel is locally installed is to know if Excel is part of the Office 2013, Office 2016, or Office 2019. If you have one of these versions, you have a locally installed Excel.
- If your Excel is a not part of Office365, then you can perform some troubleshooting:
1.1 – Check about the version: 32 bits or 64 bits. There is a good discussion about it in this forum (link here: Error opening workbook. Make sure Excel is installed - #10 by Yumwzsch)
1.2 – Update the UIPath packages to the latest version and restart the machine
1.3 – Make sure you the “Excel Activities” package installed. You probably have, make sure.
1.4 – If nothing from the above solves it, try to re-install the office, using the MS Office Installation software (link here: Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC or Mac)
- Now, if your case is related to Office 365, then I am sorry to say that I found no solution. I installed the Office 365 package on UIPath, and it didn’t work. There some things you can try:
2.1 – You can install the Office 2016 or Office 2019 on a different computer and run your UIPath workflows on this new machine.
2.2 – One thing that worked for me was to create a virtual machine on the Amazon Cloud (AWS) with the software I needed. They have a service called “Workspaces.” I installed a Windows machine with Office 2016 and UIPath. Then, I ran the flow from there. In this machine, Excel works fine. I don’t know how practical this will be to you, but you can run the workflows in the spare machine and export the results to the client machine.
As I wrote in the beginning, I don’t have a direct solution. You have some tracks to investigate, and I hope you find your way around.
Please, after you find a solution, give us some feedback about what you did because this is a learning forum. We are in the same boat, mate.
Cheers and good luck,