EWS Get Exchange Mail Messages


I am havin an issue with outlook syncing categories in shared mailbox.

I am retrieving emails with category “Send Report” and loading them to queue…
I am using filter expression “category:‘send report’”
When I process cases I am updating the category to “Report Sent”.

When Robot is done visually categories are changed. But on second Get ews mails robot picks up old cases.

I’am out of ideas how to resolve this. :frowning:
BTW uipath v2021.4.4 mail.activities 1.12.3

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Hey @Jalapeno

Are you sure you are removing the old category as well please ?

Also, you can try moving the mails across folders like Processed, Exception based on the outcome to maintain it in a better way.

Hope this helps



Welcome back to UiPath forum

I think you are filtering with subject and as it is not changed it is being picked again and again

Instead filter with categories like this

“ ‘[Category]’<>‘Send Report’ “

Cheers @Jalapeno

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I am actually using : “category:‘send report’” , tried “category:send report”. The one you suggested worked when changed <> to : “ ‘[Category]’:‘Send Report’ “ but returned same result.

Visually categories are removed and when checked if GetCategories().contains(“Send Report”) it’s false. Also checked with cases where I only remove category than count categories it has and it’s 0.
But on second Get Filter still picks it up.

Checked all messages with GetCategories.Contains(“mycategory.”) Also checked GetCategories.count on test cases where i just removed categories and its removed but filter still picks it up :frowning:

Sadly i can’t move cases to other folders.

My bad! The sollution to this was correct filter expression: “category:(Send Report)”
Still not sure why previous expressions caused such an interesting behaviour… :smiley:
@Palaniyappan @Nithinkrishna Thanks for help and support!


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