I am doing the advanced training in the academy.
I am having the next problem: when I invoke GetAppCredentials activity, I never get the password variable populated.
With NO error throwing by UiPath.
The variables are not duplicated in the scope of my System1_Login xaml
The variables in this file are the correct type: username its string, password its ScureString
I have made this test: set a MessageBox in GetAppCredentials once it has get the credential from orquestrator, to see the lenght of the out_password argument and it was correct
I did the same operation after the onvike activity, to see the lenght of both local variables: the username variable its ok, but the password variable has a lenght of 0, like it is never been populated.
This is the invoke activity:
This is the arguments in GetAppCredential
This is the Get Credentials activity
This is the variables in System_Login xaml, to see there its no
Everything seems to be OK, but I cant get the password in system login xaml, comming from getappcredentials.
Please help me!
Thank you in advance.