Error while installing Community Edition

Hi All,

I am facing issues while installing Uipath Community edition. It is displaying the following error message.

Please help.

Hello @Shruti_Rastogi, Welcome to UiPath Community.

Try delete the all files related to UiPath(Not xaml).

And then install it.

Michael Udhaya


I deleted, still not working.

Hi @Shruti_Rastogi

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Could you tell us what is your Windows version? I would first try and check the requirements here:

There was issue with the version of .net framework, So I uninstalled and then re-installed .net and the UIpath. So, It worked fine then current the .net famework I am using is 4.8.03761


Check dotnet framework and try to re install it and then install uipath

Hi @Shruti_Rastogi

Welocme to the uipath community forum,


Happy learning :smiley:

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