Error while fetching data from configuration file

HI Friends,

I’m trying to fetch data from config file. But, I’m unable to proceed as it is giving me blank data while giving same argument name as mentioned in my COnfig file. Please find the below screenshot for my configuration file…and I’m trying to fetch the value which is in “input_strEmailContent” .Please see the below screenshot and help me how to fetch the value from the config file below.

@eshwarsai_ks Are you able to fetch other values such as input_emailaddress from config file?

I’m able to fetch only email address. other details are not able to fetch

@eshwarsai_ks What error do you get?

When I started running my whole workflow…It’s throwing error as mentioned in the below screenshot. Also, I’m seeing the blank value for email content…

the below highlighted one in the screenshot is the error

@eshwarsai_ks Why is the range in read range set to “B2”?

becoz, in the excel sheet, all values are in sheet “B”. Just trying if it gets some value or not. Is it advisable to be blank in the place of “B2”?

If you are trying to read entire sheet,it should be blank:grinning:

Oh I see… Thank you for the quick update @poorna_nayak07 Good day :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @poorna_nayak07 , I’m not able to proceed with UiPath.Excel.Activities v2.5.1. many times I have tried to restart UiPath studio as well as restarted my system and tried to install UiPath.Excel activities package as it is giving me the below error… Please help me…

@eshwarsai_ks Do you only need Excel Activities?

There are workbook activities as well

Yes @supermanPunch I have downloaded Excel activity finally with latest version and It’s working fine buddy…Thank you :smiley: