Error While connecting to orchestrator (below) :Status code 500

Error: Status Code : 500 : Internal server error : message: SPA default page could not return the default page index.html because it was not found and no middle ware handled the request. Your application is running in production mode, so make sure it is published and have build your SPA manually"/

Please help


Welcome to our UiPath community.

May I know what Orchestrator URL are you using here ?

This is an on prem non production URL which is like https:// …com. We are trying to configure SSO with ADFS and see this error. when trying to get to through SSO website manually.

Alos when we had the SSO url as http://…/ls it is throwing error saying error occurred. Followed AFDS configuration from UIpath

Hi @Vinay_Kumar_Kotamarthi_Ve

It might be best to contact our technical support for this specific configuration question: