Error when creating an ML Skill for Document Understanding IDCards retrained model

Hello guys! I have a quite interesing problem here. I trained the out-of-the-box model for IDCards and it was successfull. After that i wanted to deploy the new retrained model(which lasted like 3 hours) and than it crashed. I tought that maybe one of you on the forum encounered a similar problem and can share the solution. Thanks in advice!

Hi @Otniel_Pater

It’s recommended to create “ML Package” and “ML Skill” together.

Once created make sure the ML Skill for the same package is deployed and available. The status of the ML Package will also be “Deployed”.

Then a pipeline can be created to train the invoices on the same package.

Hope this works,

The thing is that I managed to retrain the model only one time, after that it kept crashing. But that’s fine for me, because I managed to pull 1 successful retraining. The problem now is that I cannot deploy the ML Skill. I will leave below the ML Logs.

Hi @Otniel_Pater

Please check if all the AI Licenses are consumed, you can check this by Navigating to AI Center Page and clicking on image in the top corner , and click on License usage

Please check if all the bots have been consumed.

If any of the bots are available, try to deploy again.

I managed to deploy the ML Skill after many tries. I think the problem was that the UIPath servers are working to their full capacity and can’t serve every request on time, so it crashes, but on their side. Thank you for your responses though!

Glad that worked for you.

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