Error uploading an updated package to Orchestrator

I am trying to upload a new version of an alreayd uploaded package to Orchestrater, It shows uploading but when finished reverts back to the Upload button and shows Unexpected Error(100)

Last week I had trouble with automations not showing in assistant and the UiPath support advised me to clear the %appdata% for UiPath which fixed that problem but seems to be causing a problem now with uploading

Any advice? I uploaded a new version of the package fine last week before the appdata deletion


Is orchestartor tenent only selected?

Also you would mostly get a detailed error also…did you get any such which might have more info

Also can you try if you are uploading then is the package getting updated

And I hope assistant is connected and licensed


hello, the default tenant is selected
I am getting no detailed on the error, it just says unexpected erro (100)
The package is not getting updated
Assistant is connected ok

I could update the package fine last week doing exactly the same steps


  1. Manually are you aboe to upload the package into orchestrator …
  2. Try to rename the project.json and reopen the project and upload again
  3. Is it happening for every project?
  4. Are there any upgrades happened?


I am trying to upload manually into Orchestrator
I havent had to upload another project, Its just this one Im working with
No upgrades



Can you try renaming the project.json file and then reopen the project and then try to uplod please


Can you try to clear the browser cache.

The problem has been found, the package size was over 200,000kb! Somehow it had been doubling in size each time I published it

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