Error read csv file

Hello friends,
@rkelchuri, @Ninett_Panfir, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @Florent_Salendres, @vvaidya, @Palaniyappan, @ClaytonM, @vvaidya, @lakshman, @Dave,

So I have a problem with .csv files. I’m downloading reports in .csv format from a system. Problem is that these .csv files include declaration row for Excel , this makes it so that the UiPath Read CSV activity gives an error: Read CSV : The CSV file format for FILEPATH\FILE.csv is invalid

When I remove the first row manually Read CSV activity works.
How to remove the rows by opening the csv files on notepad and deleting the first row?
Can you please share a xaml?
It’s very urgent.
Thank you so much,

May I know how it looks actually in the csv file with a screenshot
Cheers @CamiCat


Is it possible to open CSV as a regular Text file, read file omitting first row, and save that data to CSV? It’s not prettiest solution but might solve your problem :wink:

Thank you @rado.
Can you please share a xaml?
Thank you,

Here you have ready workflow: RemoveFirstRow.xaml (10.3 KB)

Thank you @rado.
If I want to remove 5 first rows?
Thank you,

Then change remove from collection activity to remove more than first row :slight_smile: