Error on opening studio project

Hi everyone,
I was developing in dev environment so I saved my project in onedrive so that I can access it in uat as well, downloaded my project in uat environment so now i am trying to open it in UiPath but it gives me the ‘Document is invalid’ error, its my first time receiving this error because I have done this before and has never given me issues.


Try renaming project.json and reopen and check if it solves

Open the details and show if it dows not work


Alright let me try…

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Hi @Anil_G ,
It’s still giving the same error. Question,
When I am renaming thought do I still use the same name or a new name?


Renaming is to be renamed to any other name…other than project.json

This is to generate a new file if something is not proper

But if it still shows error please open details and show it

Also better move the file out of one drive and move to a local location may be a c:/folder


Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha,

Please check the compatibility of the process… Is it windows or windows legacy?

Still has same error,Yes I moved it from onedrive to c-drive:

HI @NMallya_H , it’s windows
Processing: 16865757993322159109735524949331.jpg…
I checked in the .json textfile

I changed the file name to Email_Index

Could you please check the compatibility of any other process that is deployed in that environment?

I got similar error once. I am not sure why but the code worked with windows legacy.

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There is a legacy project yes

Please assist everyone

Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha,

I am not sure if this helps but could you please go through below post.

Hi everyone, sorry for late response.
So the solution here is that I have to download a package that I have already published on erchestrator the try to open the .xaml file with UiPath but the issue herr is that I have done that then renamed the .nupkg file to .zip

Processing: 16877891853838778062920660401624.jpg…

But then when i open the content folder, it does not have the .xaml file because I wanted to open it in UiPath, anyone knows a way around this I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha

It will be basically in

Lib folder

Under that


U will be able to find ur xaml

Hi @nikhil.girish I checked in that file but it’s not there

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Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha

Can you confirm this

This would be one of the reason u might not be able to ur xaml files

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Hi @Anelisa_Bolosha

Did you try the above steps

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I did thank and it did work, I can now see my xaml files

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