Now my flow as below.
But after it show error as below.
I think it cause big size.
Please guide me about it.
Now my flow as below.
But after it show error as below.
I think it cause big size.
Please guide me about it.
Hi @fairymemay
@Gokul001 Now I use delay as below.
And I use run with slow step.
But show same error in write range activity.
Please guide me about it.
@Gokul001 Same error.
Hi @fairymemay
After Excel application scope Use Kill Process Activity
Before Writing into the excel print value in the look and check all the values in the Log
@Gokul001 same
Try with is activity @fairymemay
Share the sample XAML file
@Gokul001 After run show as below.
Remove the Excel application scope, Only keep the write range activity of the workbook @fairymemay
@Gokul001 Same error.
But If edit textfile to 2 rows , it can run completed.
In real data have 300K rows.
How to solve it?
Have a try on this way to write the Vale in the excel
Try to use Studiox activity in studio
Go to → Activity panel → Click Filter → check the Show Mordern
Use excel scope activity, Use Excel scope Activity, Write DataTable to excel activity
What to write → DataTable Name
Destination as → Excel.Sheet(“Output”)
Output is the sheet name
Use Kill activity and delay in the process if you had this error @fairymemay
@Gokul001 delay before write ?
Yes @fairymemay Both the activity before Write DT. Run the process in Debug mode