Error in running the attended xaml file in document understanding template

Hi All,

I would like to execute Main-Attended file using Run/Debug instead of Run File/Debug file. I have set it as Main file and Disabled support persistence in the project settings. When I am trying to execute it using Run option , displays below errors. Can anyone help me on it.

Hi @Sailaja_Pasupuleti

The rule checks whether the following activities are used in projects that support persistence in workflow files other than the one that is set as Main.

Go to Project Panel → Click on settings → Open workflow analyzer → Type this code ST-DBP-024 → It will show the information about error.

Hope it helps!!

Thanks @mkankatala for the information. So no other way we can get rid off this error apart from executing using Run File/Debgu File options right. If I publish it and run in attended mode, will it works?

Do one thing as said go to workflow analyzer,

Go to Project Panel → Click on settings → Go to workflow analyzer → Type the code ST-DBP-024 → It will show the error → Uncheck the error and hit on Ok.

Now try to run the process, it will work.

Hope you understand!!

I am restricted to perform the recommended action.

In that case as per recommendation you have to use the Resume after Delay, Wait for Queue item and resume activities and list of activities in Main xaml itself for using those activities you have to enable the Supports persistence option. @Sailaja_Pasupuleti

If there is a human in the loop then it’s recommended you to enable supports persistence.

Nothing will happen if you uncheck the Persistence Activities check, it was recommending for you, that’s it.

Hope you understand!!

Thanks @mkankatala for the suggestions

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Is it works for you? @Sailaja_Pasupuleti

Persistence activities are not used in Attended xaml file of Document Understanding Template provided by UiPath. I am not allowed to uncheck Persistence Activities check. In the UiPath videos, they didn’t face this problem. It was working fine for them.

Is any one have any other solutions to this issue

Hi @Sailaja_Pasupuleti

Check the Support Persistence again and run your workflow in Studio. The rule SR-DB-024 checks if you are using Persistence activities in workflow not set as main. Such as you don’t have any persistence activity in Main-Attended.xaml file, the run will not go to suspend.

In a normally scenario you will have only one of them in your project removing the unused one.

You can set Support Persistence later before publish the package to orchestrator based in unattended or attended scenario.

Support Persistence option is used to mark that process for Orchestrator understand it’s uses persistence scenarios

Also you can run Main-ActionCenter workflow as well. If it goes to human to validate it goes to suspend and waits until you click in RESUME button after finish the action on Action Center


Hi @rikulsilva ,

I have followed the steps suggested by you. Enabled support persistence.

Click on Run option. Still getting same errors

Please let me know if I missed anything.

Hi @Sailaja_Pasupuleti

Are you not able to change rule default action to Warning/info instead error ? If no, why ?

The rule will continue check until you don’t have any persistence activity outside the main workflow. Probably when the video was recorded this rule did not exit or was set with another default action instead error.

If you will not use the action center workflow, you can delete it from the project as a last alternative.

In my organization, project settings modification was restricted. Yes, UiPath have made these rules as recommended ones recently.

Will delete Main-ActionCenter and proceed. Thanks a lot for your support.

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Glad to help @Sailaja_Pasupuleti

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