Error in Assign activity

Continuing the discussion from Merge two tables, equalizing number of rows:


I got a solution for my question referred to above. I am assigning a variable to a new data row in table DT_atnr, and I am probably doing something wrong because I get a error in an assign activity.

I have attached the workflow, and named the Assign activity where the error happens. The error message is:

Assign: Cannot find column[System.Data.DataRow]

However, I have the new data row variable as System.Data.DataRow.

Anyone having a suggestion of what I am missing here?

Example.xaml (12.5 KB)

Hi @Evert_Randers

If I may suggest you an easy alternative for this:

  1. Add a column col1 to the existing datatable dt.
  2. In the invoke code, pass the dt as in/out argument & Var A as in argument.
  3. Try this code:
row(col1) = Var A
End Sub)

The result will be like this:

1234 Some data here and here and here
1234 Some data here and here and here
1234 Some data here and here and here
1234 Some data here and here and here

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.


I think the direct cause of the error is DataTable property of the 2nd BuildDataTable is DT_atnr. Shouldn’t this DT_extracted_table?
