Error BC30311 when using Write Range

Hi All,
I just extracted data from the website ACME System 1 - Log In , then saved it to ExtractDataTable

Now I’m trying to write them onto an excel workbook (not yet created) but I’m facing this error that says "Value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘DriveItem’.

I’m quite confused. My hypotheses:

  1. The default pathway for UiPath to autocreate the excel workbook is in OneDrive and hence it deems it as ‘DriveItem’ and hence incompatible or?
    Edit: or my general question is what is DriveItem and what’s the workaround for this?

Your answer would be helpful! Cheers


Can you try to use Write DataTable to Excel activity because it’s renamed?


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Hi Yoichi,

Appreciate the suggestion!
Now I have a different question. Somehow ‘Write DataTable to Excel’ activity doesn’t exist for me.

I also just downloaded the solution to this particular practice (left screen in ss) and found out it is using the ‘Write Range’ activity under System.File.Workbook meanwhile the one I found is under Microsoft.Office365.

Any idea if these are supposed to do different things? And why is it that I don’t have the ‘Write Range’ activity under System? PS: I’ve enabled Classic activities and it still doesn’t show up

Edit: Additional Screenshot for ‘Write DataTable’ not showing up



For now, can you try to turn on SerchByDescription button in Activities panel as the following?


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Just did. Ss per below

Both are still not showing? Is it just more of a version thing?

This is the version I’m using - which from my understanding is the latest one


Is there UiPath.Excel.Activites package? Write DataTable to Excel is included in it.



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You sir has helped me solved it.
Indeed the package you mentioned was not yet installed.
I didn’t know that it was not “pre-installed”.

Also I guess my final questions are:

  1. ‘Write Range’ under system is for local excel meanwhile,
  2. ‘Write Range’ under Microsoft.Office365.ExcelOnline and under Integrations are different things? These are for spreadsheets or?



I numbered to each WriteRange as the following.


  1. WriteRange under Office365-ExcelOnline

This activity is for ExcelOnline and it communicates with Micorosoft ExcelOnline through “UiPath.Integration Service” in AutomationCloud.

  1. WriteRange under Office365- classic

This activity is for ExcelIOnline and it communicates with Micorosoft ExcelOnline directly. It should be used inside Office365Scope activity.

  1. WriteRangeWorkbook

This activity can write datatable to xlsx file. This means it works without any excel (desktop excel or excel online)

  1. Write DataTable to Excel

This activity write datatable to xlsx using desktop Excel (such as Excel2019, Excel365 etc) it should be used inside UseExcelFile activity.

Hope this help you


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Hi Yoichi,

Appreciate you taking the time to write out the details!
All answered very well. Thank you so much and have a nice day!


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