Argument 'Workbook': BC30311: Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'DriveItem'. The selected value is incompatible with the property type. Activity is only valid inside an Office 365 Scope

I upgraded the UiPath studio form 2022 to 2024. A lot of things seem different. It seems I cannot use the path form the file in the write range section (It is inside the single excel process scope), it shows this error. The project is to scrap the data form different realestate websites and put them in an existing excel file. The scrapping is okay but I am having a problem in excel.

I tried different options also like write datatable to excel, but it doesn’t accept the file path also.

Thank You in advance.


I beleive you dragged a wrong write range…drag the one under excel or workbook hierarchy in the activities panel…

Looks like you dragged the one under office365 which is used for files present on sharepoint or onedeive


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