Enumeration Values Of RobotJS API Process-Start-On-Status In UiPath

What are the enumeration values of RobotJS API process-start-on-status in UiPath?

For RobotJS API process-start-on-status, as explained in the document here: Robot - SDK Specifications (uipath.com), below are the enumeration values of status:

  1. Acquire/Release server license not available on local license mode
  2. Cancel job failed, shutdown in progress!
  3. Robots cannot be disconnected while they are busy
  4. You can only open files in the current project, not {0}
  5. Unable to start local executor process
  6. Empty orchestrator api versions!
  7. Empty list for orchestrator api versions!
  8. Executor already has a process assigned!
  9. Executor was already stopped!
  10. Invalid connection info!
  11. Invalid robots status!
  12. Orchestrator already connected!
  13. Release failed: license is in use
  14. Robot already running for user {0}
  15. One or more robots not defined
  16. Robot user name is required
  17. Shutdown already in progress!
  18. Start job failed, shutdown in progress!
  19. Job not found
  20. Executor detached / no executor callback available
  21. Job canceled
  22. Job completed
  23. Job execution terminated abruptly!
  24. Installing package...
  25. Preparing job for execution...
  26. Job started processing
  27. Job {0} stopped
  28. Job {0} was stopped (forced)!
  29. Stopping job...
  30. Waiting for execution to start...
  31. Job faulted due to service shutdown.
  32. Username for robot must not be same as another
  33. There are no robots defined on Orchestrator for this machine
  34. Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: {0}
  35. Could not retrieve the result of the job execution. This might be because a message was too large to process.
  36. Cannot connect to Orchestrator while a process is running.
  37. Execution error, no exception specified
  38. Login To Console is required for smartcard authentication
  39. The requested functionality requires an Orchestrator connection.
  40. A local license is required.