What are the enumeration values of RobotJS API process-start-on-status in UiPath?
For RobotJS API process-start-on-status, as explained in the document here: Robot - SDK Specifications (uipath.com), below are the enumeration values of status:
- Acquire/Release server license not available on local license mode
- Cancel job failed, shutdown in progress!
- Robots cannot be disconnected while they are busy
- You can only open files in the current project, not {0}
- Unable to start local executor process
- Empty orchestrator api versions!
- Empty list for orchestrator api versions!
- Executor already has a process assigned!
- Executor was already stopped!
- Invalid connection info!
- Invalid robots status!
- Orchestrator already connected!
- Release failed: license is in use
- Robot already running for user {0}
- One or more robots not defined
- Robot user name is required
- Shutdown already in progress!
- Start job failed, shutdown in progress!
- Job not found
- Executor detached / no executor callback available
- Job canceled
- Job completed
- Job execution terminated abruptly!
- Installing package...
- Preparing job for execution...
- Job started processing
- Job {0} stopped
- Job {0} was stopped (forced)!
- Stopping job...
- Waiting for execution to start...
- Job faulted due to service shutdown.
- Username for robot must not be same as another
- There are no robots defined on Orchestrator for this machine
- Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: {0}
- Could not retrieve the result of the job execution. This might be because a message was too large to process.
- Cannot connect to Orchestrator while a process is running.
- Execution error, no exception specified
- Login To Console is required for smartcard authentication
- The requested functionality requires an Orchestrator connection.
- A local license is required.